UNESCO Policy on engaging with Indigenous Peoples

Docip has the pleasure to forward you the following message from the UNESCO focal point unit for indigenous issues:

Dear partners, colleagues and friends,

Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, decided in May 2010 to develop a UNESCO Policy on engaging with Indigenous Peoples.

To follow up on this decision, an intersectoral Task Team carried out face-to-face meetings, workshops and interviews with indigenous peoples who have partnered with the Organization in different areas of its mandate. These inputs, reflections and observations have contributed towards the current draft UNESCO policy for engaging with indigenous peoples. The draft policy document contains key principles for engaging with indigenous peoples, and guidelines for how these principles would be applied in UNESCO’s programme areas.

You are invited to review the draft policy and to inform us of your views. The review period runs until 30 November 2016. Following this review, your inputs, comments and criticisms will be taken into account by the Task Team when revising the document, with the aim to submit a final draft for consideration by UNESCO's Executive Board at its 201st session.

Please contact t.narayan@unesco.org if you’re interested in receiving the draft policy for review.

For more information, please consult our website. If you have any questions on the process, please send them to t.narayan@unesco.org

With sincere thanks in advance for your review and responses, 
Ms. Trupthi Narayan

On behalf of the UNESCO focal point unit for indigenous issues.

+33 1 45 68 01 85